Welcome to Fitness September!

Get fitter in time for the coming season. All we ask if that you DO NOT injure yourself.

We are asking all club members if they can do a little or a lot extra this month to get fitter in time for the coming season. The season normally starts in October and we are hoping that you will enjoy the extra activity that you have started so much that you will continue through October as well.

By getting fitter you will be better protected against injury but please don’t get injured in your new activity!

Firstly, this is voluntary but I will be letting you know what people are doing via Cannonshotz. If you email me your activity weekly, I will give a round up.

Or please email me, suecarr223@googlemail.com by at least half way through September with:

Name, activity, any achievements that you made, who you did it with, do you want anyone to come and join in?

Many of you are active already with other sports or exercise regimes. If so, please let us know. Just in case anyone is doing something extremely exciting like wheel basketball for example. Or bowls.

Fitness works better with goals, so set a goal but it mainly works better with people, so if you can ask someone to work with please do.

If you would like to challenge anyone, such as how many Park Runs or times of Park Runs, let me know and we’ll do a competitive challenge.

Lastly, for all the endurance sports out there, actually high intensive interval training is the fastest and a very effective way to get fit fast. I have attached a leaflet and a bogus poster to encourage you to consider that method that I have researched. Please consider doing this for your extra! On the bonus side, it’s really short….

There are LOADS of events going on in September, please do some research and maybe we could select an event as a group to enter. Here are two I have found:

https://www.humanitascharity.org/ride-for-humanity, 24 Sept, a ride for charity, 23 miles or 48 miles for charity
https://www.aspirechannelswim.co.uk/, 11 Sep – 4 Dec, swim the equivalent of the English Channel over a number of weeks for charity

Got any more you’ve heard of? Let me know and I’ll add to my weekly round up.