by korfadmin | Dec 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Details of the inter area competition in January. 19th January – U13 and U17 20th January – U11 and U15 U11 is Year 5/6. U13 is Year 7/8. U15 is year 9/10. U17 is year 11/12. There are always exceptions where stronger players are asked to play up age...
by korfadmin | Dec 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hi All, Another great effort from the City’s U14, battling against the 2 top of the leaderboard teams. Also welcome Simone (U11) for her first league matches. Apparently 3 of our 5 girls are U11, so great round of applause for them. Officially we actually only have 2...